Dr. Ignasi JürgensOftalmólogoEfficacy and Safety of Ranibizumab Biosimilar QL1205 in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Phase III Randomized TrialOphthalmology Retina. 2024
Dra. Marta Balboa, Dra. Núria IbáñezOftalmólogasAcquired enophthalmos in idiopathic orbital inflammatory diseaseAmerican Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports, 2024
Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogoFAST® questionnaire for identifying glaucoma patients at risk for ocular surface diseaseEur J Ophthalmol. 2024
Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogoExpert Consensus Recommendations for the Management of Ocular Surface Inflammation in Patients With GlaucomaJournal of Glaucoma. 2024
Dr. José Manuel LópezOftalmólogoMultimodal and retro-mode imaging in sclerochoroidal calcification: A case reportArch Soc Esp Oftalmol (Engl Ed). 2024
Dr. José Manuel López, Dra. María Soledad Pighin, Dra. Melissa Picco, Dr. Ignasi JürgensOftalmólogosA rare intraocular foreign body resulting from a workplace accidentArch Soc Esp Oftalmol (Engl Ed). 2024
Dr. José Manuel LópezOftalmólogoRetro-mode imaging for the diagnosis of optic disc drusen: a case seriesArch Soc Esp Oftalmol (Engl Ed). 2024
Dr. José Manuel LópezOftalmólogoThe impact of short-term postoperative face-up position on unintentional retinal displacement after pars plana vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachmentEur J Ophthalmol. 2024
Dr. José Manuel Navero, Dra. Júlia Boldú, Dra. Laura Pinilla, Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogosClinical Impact of the Use of Ologen in Filtering Surgery Performed in Uncontrolled GlaucomaJ. Clin. Med. 2024
Dra. Lorena CastilloOftalmólogaTherapeutic benefit of idebenone in patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy: The LEROS nonrandomized controlled trialCell Rep. Med. 2024
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Dra. Maria Soledad Pighin
OftalmólogosEndoscope-Assisted Carlevale Lens Implantation in Patients Without Capsular Support: A Novel Surgical Approach to Ensure Correct Lens Positioning.Retina. 2023
Dra. Lorena Castillo
Hanan Haulani
Dra. Cecilia Gómez-Gutiérrez
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Oftalmólogos, optometrista y biólogoChoriocapillaris and choroidal thickness in all Leber hereditary optic neuropathy stages using swept source technology.Acta Ophthalmol. 2023
Dr. Juan Manuel LopezOftalmólogoTorpedo maculopathy: multimodal and retromodal imaging.Can J Ophthalmol. 2023
Dr. Alfonso AntonOftalmólogoEvaluation of the Performance of a 3D-Printed Smartphone-Based Retinal Imaging Device as a Screening Tool for Retinal Pathology in Mozambique.Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2023
Dra. Silvana Belotto
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Dra. Amanda Rey
OftalmólogosRecovery course of persistent posterior subretinal fluid after successful repair of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2023
Dr. Juan Manuel LopezOftalmólogoAcute zonal occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR): Case report with confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy retromode imaging.J Fr Ophtalmol. 2023
Raquel Mompart
Lluís González
Dra. Maria Soledad Pighin
Optometristas y oftalmólogoThe Relationship between Fixation Stability and Retinal Structural Parameters in Children with Anisometropic, Strabismic and Mixed Amblyopia.Life (Basel). 2023
Dr. Ignasi JürgensOftalmólogoLIGHTSITE II Randomized Multicenter Trial: Evaluation of Multiwavelength Photobiomodulation in Non-exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration.Ophthalmol Ther. 2023
Dr. Alfonso AntonOftalmólogoEffect of Conventional Cataract Surgery and Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery on Bruch’s Membrane Opening-Minimum Rim Width, Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer, and Macular Thickness.J Ophthalmol. 2023
Dr. Alfonso Anton
Dra. Katia Sotelo
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Virgina García
Oftalmólogos y biólogo Cost-Effectiveness of Screening for Open Angle Glaucoma Compared With Opportunistic Case Finding.J Glaucoma. 2023
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dra. Amanda Rey
Dra. Maria Soledad Pighin
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
OftalmólogosTransient intraoperative opacification of a Carlevale intraocular lens.J Fr Ophtalmol. 2023
Dra. Katia Sotelo
Dr. Marcos Muñoz Escudero
ME Ayala Fuentes
Dra. Anna Puntí
Dr. Alfonso Anton
Optometristas y oftalmólogosIncreased intraocular pressure secondary to retinal detachment.Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol (Engl Ed). 2023
Dr. Alfonso Anton
Dra. Maria Eleonara Ayala Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Optometristas y oftalmólogosGlaucoma progression. Clinical practice guide.Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol (Engl Ed). 2023
Dra. Laura Beltrán
Dra. Laura Maria Pinilla
OftalmólogasAdvanced glaucoma. Clinical practice guideline.Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol (Engl Ed). 2023

Dr. Víctor Menezo
OftalmólogoThe Use of Sustained Release Intravitreal Steroid Implants in Non-Infectious Uveitis Affecting the Posterior Segment of the Eye. Ophthalmol Ther., 2022

Dr. Alfonso Anton
Oftalmólogo Validation of the Spanish version of the Low Vision Quality of Life Questionnaire J Optom., 2021

Dra. Eleanora Ayala
Dr. Alfonso Anton
Dr. Vladimir Poposki
Dr. Evangelos Tsiroukis
OftalmólogosDiagnostic Accuracy and Detection Rate of Glaucoma Screening with Optic Disk Photos, Optical Coherence Tomography Images, and Telemedicine.J Clin Med., 2021

Dra. Soledad Pighin
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Ab externo approach to treat bilateral haptic extrusion secondary to scleral erosion of an intrascleral sutureless-fixated intraocular lens.
J Cataract Refract Surg., 2021

Dra. Eleanora Ayala
Dr. Alfonso Anton
Interobserver and Intertest Agreement in Telemedicine Glaucoma Screening with Optic Disk Photos and Optical Coherence Tomography.
J Clin Med., 2021

Dra. Silvana Belotto
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Dra. Amanda Rey
OftalmólogosClinical characteristics of full thickness macular holes that closed without surgery.Br J Ophthalmol., 2021
Dr. Francesc DuchOftalmólogo
Influence of tomographic and biomechanical corneal indexes on myopic refractive surgery indications: A multicenter study.
European Journal of Ophthalmology ., 2021
Dr. Javier ReyesOftalmólogoPermanent corneal opacification after refractive surgery with a combined technique. Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and accelerated cross-linking (PRK Xtrs) in healthy patients.J Fr Ophtalmol., 2021
Dra. Núria IbáñezOftalmóloga
Localización bilateral de enfermedad de Bowen palpebral en paciente inmunosuprimida por trasplante renal.
Annals d’Oftalmologia., 2021

Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dra. Soledad Pighin
Dra. Amanda Rey
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
OftalmólogosComment on: In vivo evaluation of a 1-piece foldable sutureless intrascleral fixation lens using ultrasound biomicroscopy and anterior segment optical coherence tomographyJ Cataract Refract Surg. 2021
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dr. Alfonso Antón
OftalmólogosSD-OCT peripapillary nerve fibre layer and ganglion cell complex parameters in glaucoma: principal component analysisBr J Ophthalmol., 2020
Dra. Glenda EspinosaOftalmólogaA multimodal study and management of retinitis punctata albescensRom J Ophthalmol., 2020
Dr. Francesc DuchOftalmólogoCorrelation and regression analysis between residual gradation and uncorrected visual acuity one year after refractive surgery with LASIK, FS-LASIK, PRK, PRK Xtra techniques and the implantation of ICL posterior chamber phakic lens in myopic correctionPLoS One., 2020
Dra. Glenda EspinosaOftalmólogaSurgical Management of complicated inflammatory glaucomaGMS Ophthalmol Cases., 2020
Dra. Lorena CastilloOftalmólogaReal-World Clinical Experience With Ibedenone in the Treatment of Leber Hereditary Optic NeuropathyJ Neuroophthalmol., 2020
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dr. Alfonso Antón
OftalmólogosSurgical Management for Refractory Bleb DysestesiaJ Ophthalmol., 2020
Dra. Núria IbáñezOftalmólogaSubconjuntival Orbital Fat Prolapse: An Update on Diagnosis and ManagementSeminars in Ophthalmology., 2019
Dr. Raimondo Forte
Hanan Haulani
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Oftalmólogos y optometristaSwept source optical coherence tomography angiography in patients treated with hydroxychloloquine: correlation with morphological and functional testsBr J Ophthalmol., 2019
Dra. Núria IbáñezOftalmólogaSclerosing orbital inflammatory syndrome presenting with bilateral lacrimal gland calcificationJ Francais Ophthalmol ., 2019
Dra. Núria IbáñezOftalmólogaReconstrucción de párpado inferior mediante injerto de pericráneo y colgajo de MustardéArch Soc Esp Oftalmol., 2019
Dr. Marcos Muñoz
Dr. Alfonso Antón
OftalmólogosThe EX-PRESS glaucoma shunt versus nonoperating deep sclerectomy with Esnoper implant in combined surgery for open angle-glaucoma: a prospective randomized studyActa Ophthalmol, 2019
Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogoEffect of femtosecond laser-assisted lens surgery on the optic nerve head and the maculaInt J Ophthalmol., 2019
Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogoAutomatic glaucoma classification using color fundus images based on convolutional neural networks and transfer learningBiomed Opt Express., 2019
Dr. Alfonso Antón
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Oftalmólogo y biólogoEvaluation of RETICs Glaucoma Diagnostic Calculators in Preperimetric GlaucomaTransl Vis Sci Technol., 2018
Dr. Raimondo Forte
Hanan Haulani
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dra. Amanda Rey
OftalmólogasMacular Hole After Poppers (Alkyl Nitrate) Inhalation in a ChildOphthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2018
Dra. María Soledad Pighin
Dra. C. Berrozpe
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Dra. Núria Ibáñez
Dr. Xavier Graell
Dra. Vanesa Cuadrado
OftalmólogosBilateral eyelid Kaposi’s sarcoma in an HIV-negative patientArch Soc Esp Oftalmol., 2018
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dra. Amanda Rey
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Oftalmólogos y biólogoClinical Results of Diffractive, Refractive, Hybrid Multifocal, and Monofocal Intraocular LensesJournal of Ophthalmology, 2018
Dra. Amanda Rey
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Dr. Xavier Maseras
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dra. Patrica Pera
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Oftalmólogos y biólogoVisual outcome and complications of cataract extraction after pars plana vitrectomyClin Ophthalmol. 2018
Dra. P Cifuentes
Dra. Núria Ibáñez
OftalmólogosA brief history of the anophthalmic socket surgical technique and orbital implantsArch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2018
Dra. Laura BeltranOftalmólogaEffect of phacoemulsification on facility of outflowBr J Ophthalmol. 2018
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dr. Alfonso Antón
OftalmólogosReplyOphthalmology, 2018
Dr. José Manuel Navero
Dr. Alfonso Antón
OftalmólogosSupraciliary Implant Placement and Postoperative Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage After Nonpenetrating Deep SclerectomyJournal of Glaucoma, 2018
Dra. Núria IbáñezOftalmólogaOrbital cellulitisSurv Ophthalmol., 2018
Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogoLifestyles guide and glaucoma (i). Sports and activitiesArch Soc Esp Oftalmol., 2018
Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogoLifestyles guide and glaucoma (II). Diet, supplements, drugs, sleep, pregnancy, and systemic hypertensionArch Soc Esp Oftalmol., 2018
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Dra. Amanda Rey
OftalmólogosOcular findings in patients with microcephaly can suggest presumed congenital zika virus infectionActa Ophthalmol., 2018
Dra. P. CifuentesOftalmólogaSystemic Effects of Repeated Intraocular Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant in Diabetic Patients: A Retrospective StudyDiabetes Ther., 2017
Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogosQuality of life in glaucoma patients and normal subjects related to the severity of damage in each eyeArch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2017
Dra. Núria IbáñezOftalmólogaOrbit lymphomas in Spanish population. Descriptive study and side effects of treatment with radiotherapyMed Clin (Barc). 2017
Dra. Laura BeltranOftalmólogaTwenty-four hour intraocular pressure monitoring with the SENSIMED Triggerfish contact lens: effect of body posture during sleepBr J Ophthalmol., 2017
Dr. Jorge ArrugaOftalmólogoAxonal Injury in the Lateral Geniculate Body: Radiological DiagnosisNeuroophthalmology, 2017
Dr. Daniel Vila
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogoDiagnostic accuracy of imaging devices in glaucoma: A meta-analysisSurv Ophthalmol., 2017
Dra. Lorena CastilloOftalmólogaOphthalmology in ancient Greece and RomeArch Soc Esp Oftalmol., 2017
Dr. Alfonso AntónOftalmólogoIntraobserver and Interobserver Agreement of Structural and Functional Software Programs for Measuring Glaucoma ProgressionJAMA Ophthalmol., 2017
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dr. Alfonso Antón
Dra. Alicia Gómez
OftalmólogosDiagnostic Accuracy of Spectralis SD OCT Automated Macular Layers Segmentation to Discriminate Normal from Early Glaucomatous EyesOphthalmology.; 2017
Dra. Lorena Castillo
Dr. Jorge Arruga
OftalmólogosLeber hereditary optic neuropathy: What are the therapeutic perspectives?Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol., 2016
Dr. Jordi GatellOftalmólogoOral supplementation with a nutraceutical formulation containing omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in a large series of patients with dry eye symptoms: results of a prospective studyClin Interv Aging., 2016
Dra. Amanda Rey
Dra. Lorena Castillo
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dr. Xavier Maseras
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
OftalmólogosSubfoveal choroidal thickness changes in carotid cavernous fistula following spontaneous resolutionBMC Ophthalmol., 2016
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Dr. Alfonso Antón
Oftalmólogo y biólogo In vitro mitomycin C absorption and delivery with different sponge materials used in filtering surgeryClin Ophthalmol., 2016
Dra. Amanda Rey
Dr. Ignasi Jürgens
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dr. Xavier Maseras
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Dr. Alfonso Antón
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Dra. Eleonora Ayala
Oftalmólogos y biólogo Evaluation of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness, the Mean Deviation, and the Visual Field Index in Progressive GlaucomaJournal of Glaucoma, 2016
Dr. R, Anaya
Dra. Núria Ibáñez
OftalmólogosAntimicrobial biomaterials and their potential application in ophthalmologyJournal of Appl Biomater Funct Mater., 2015
Dra. Núria Ibáñez
Dr. JJ. Castellar
Dr. R. Anaya
OftalmólogosOcular perforation post-blepharoplastyInvest Ophthalmol Vis Sci., 2015
Dr. Ignasi JürgensOftalmólogoCharacterization of Retinal Disease Progression in a 1-Year Longitudinal Study of Eyes With Mild Nonproliferative Retinopathy in Diabetes Type 2Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci., 2015
Dr. R. AnayaOftalmólogoOptic neuropathy secondary to a sphenoid-ethmoidal mucocele: Case reportArch Soc Esp Oftalmol., 2015
Dra.Núria IbáñezOftalmólogaPericranium grafts for exposed orbital implants: An observational case-series studyJournal of Craniomaxillofac Surg., 2015
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Dr. Alfonso Antón
Oftalmólogo y biólogoMorphological characteristics of the optic nerve evaluated by confocal laser tomography (HRT3) and laser polarimetry (GDx-VCC) in a normal population from the city of Barcelona.Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol., 2015
Dr. Alfonso Antón
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Dra. Eleonora Ayala
Oftalmóloga y biólogoAgreement among spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, standard automated perimetry, and stereophotography in the detection of glaucoma progressionInvest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,. 2015
Dr. Ignasi JürgensOftalmólogoSimple technique to treat pupillary capture after transscleral fixation of intraocular lensOphthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2015
Dra.Laura BeltranOftalmólogaPriming the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve: pressure required and effect of overprimingJournal of Glaucoma, 2015
Dr. Jorge ArrugaOftalmólogoSequential bilateral retinal artery occlusion.Clinical Ophthalmoly, 2014
Dr. Víctor MenezoOftalmólogoBirdshot uveitis: current and emerging treatment optionsClinical Ophthalmoly, 2014
Dra. Núria IbáñezOftalmólogaAn aggressive primary orbital natural killer/T-cell lymphoma case: poor response to chemotherapyOphthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2014
Dra. Amanda ReyOftalmólogaNatural course and surgical management of high myopic foveoschisisOphthalmologica, 2014
Dr. Alfonso AntonOftalmólogoInitial Clinical Experience with the CyPass Micro-Stent: Safety and Surgical Outcomes of a Novel Supraciliary MicrostentJournal of Glaucoma, 2016
Dr. Alfonso AntonOftalmólogoEfficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Preservative-Free Fixed Combination of Tafluprost 0.0015%/Timolol 0.5% Versus Concomitant Use of the IngredientsJOURNAL OF OCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS
  Volume 30, Number 6, 2014
Dra. Marta Pazos
Dra. Agnieszka Dyrda
Dr. Alfonso Anton
Oftalmólogos Bleb Revision for Resolution of Hypotony Maculopathy Following Primary TrabeculectomyAm 1 Ophthalmol 2015
Srta. Alexia Martínez
Sr. Raimon Escude
Dr. Antonio Morilla
Optometristas y biólogo The bigaussian nature of ocular biometryOptometrist Visual Science 2014 Jul;91(7):713-22

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