The ICR Cerignola building houses the Neuroophthalmology and Oculoplasty departments. This department also performs aesthetic eye treatments, including blepharoplasty, micropunctures and intense pulsed light.
You can schedule a visit through our online appointment service.
C/ Cerignola, 14
08022 Barcelona
– Car Park Ferran Casablancas (Ferran Casablancas square)
– Car Park Dr. Roig i Raventós (76B, Dalmases street). Special prices for ICR patients.
V11, V13, H6, H4, 70, 75, 123
FGC: Sarrià, Tres Torres
Telephone number
+34 93 254 79 22
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.