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    Blepharoplasty improves the appearance of the eyelids and the visual field.

    The operation lasts one hour and the results are visible between 2 and 4 weeks later.

    It is important that an oculoplastic ophthalmologist performs it in order to preserve the function of the eye.

    Blepharoplasty is a minimally invasive operation that removes excess skin, and sometimes fat, from the eyelids. With this surgery it is possible to treat age-related imperfections, thus achieving an improvement in the tired aspect of the face: the look recovers vitality and expressiveness, the eyes look bigger and the face has a younger and healthier appearance. In cases where the excess skin is very large and the eyelid limits the upper visual field, blepharoplasty also allows to recover the functionality of the eye. 

    The intervention is performed under local anesthesia and sedation, lasts approximately one hour and the patient can leave the clinic soon. To minimize the risks that this surgery can have on the eye, it is recommended that it be done by an oculoplastic ophthalmologist, who has the necessary medical and surgical knowledge to treat this area.

    It is one of the most demanded face aesthetic surgeries nowadays.

    The operation improves the appearance of the eyelids. It can be supplemented with botulinum toxin injections or microneedling for wrinkles around the eyes.



    For whom?

    • It is indicated for people who seek to improve their facial appearance, recover the functionality of drooping eyelids or correct eyelid defects.
    • If the intervention is for aesthetic reasons, it is not usually done before the age of 35 or 40, which is when signs of tiredness and skin aging begin to appear, such as excess skin on the upper eyelids and fat bags in the lower eyelids.
    • If the intervention is due to pathologies or eye injuries, it is performed at any age. For example, in the case of eyelid tumors, excess skin is removed to place it where the tumor was.
    • If the patient has high blood pressure or suffers from thyroid, lack of tears, glaucoma, diabetes or cardiovascular disease, it is important to consult with the ophthalmologist specialist in ocular aesthetics to rule out complications.


    Anyone who wants to improve their facial appearance and has a good health can undergo a blepharoplasty

    Why should you choose an oculoplastic surgeon?

    Before planning a blepharoplasty, it is necessary to attend a first visit with the oculoplastic ophthalmologist to make a diagnosis, determine the most appropriate technique and evaluate possible contraindications. This consultation has the following objectives:

    • evaluate the patient’s general health status and vision
    • rule out ocular pathologies that require special considerations or have contraindications
    • study the facial features of the patient to determine which type of blepharoplasty is most convenient (upper, lower or both) and the most appropriate technique according to the position of the eyebrow and the palpebral parameters
    • answers all the possible doubts of the patient and give a series of instructions to follow before the surgery.

    How is the surgery?

    Blepharoplasty is a minimally invasive and painless surgery that is performed on an outpatient basis, with local anaesthesia and sedation so that the patient is relaxed during the intervention. Requires advanced knowledge of the ocular anatomy.

    The intervention can be of different types, depending on the eyelid involved (upper, lower or both) or the technique to be used (transconjunctival or subciliary).

    The intervention lasts approximately one hour. The patient can leave the clinic after a short time and in complete safety, without the need for absolute rest.

    Types of blepharoplasty

    • Upper blepharoplasty: consists of the removal of the excess skin of the upper eyelid. The surgeon makes a suture, which is hidden behind the crease of the eyelid. It is imperceptible after months and the skin found above the orbicular muscle that is underneath is tensed. It may be accompanied by removal of fat or lipectomy. This intervention is intended to return a younger look to the eye.


    • Lower blepharoplasty: it involves the removal of an excess part of the skin of the lower eyelid, such as eye bags or dark circles. In some specific cases, the option of redistributing the fat instead of removing can also be considered. It can be performed internally via transconjuntival (without scars on skin) or externally via a subciliary incision (with minimal scar under the eyelashes).
    • Transconjunctival blepharoplasty: the operation is performed on the inside of the eyelid, in the conjunctiva, so that it leaves no scar on the skin. Small and medium sized bags are usually made in this way, and this route is sometimes used to reposition the fat and give a natural appearance to the lower eyelid.


    • Subciliary blepharoplasty: the operation is performed  through the skin with a minimal incision under the lower lashes.

    How is the postoperative and recovery?

    The postoperative period of a blepharoplasty is usually quite bearable, but there are certain things to keep in mind:

    • During the days after the operation, bruises, discomfort or dry eyes may appear.
    • The process and recovery time may vary in each patient and will depend on whether the patient has undergone upper, lower or both blepharoplasties. Even so, the recovery is usually quite fast and after a few weeks the patient will recover his appearance and will be able to return to work.
    • During the postoperative period, the patient can have a normal life, although during the first week it is recommended that he does not engage in any type of sports activity. From the second week onwards, physical exercise may be resumed as long as the doctor indicates.
    • During the hours or days after surgery, the patient may have blurred vision, although he / she will be able to read and use electronic devices with a screen without any problem.
    • It is advisable not to drive until the vision has completely recovered.
    • It is not recommended to sunbathe until the bruises have disappeared and in case of incision, the patient should wait at least a month and always use high sun protection (especially if the operation is done during the summer months).
    • Finally, it will be necessary to go to the postoperative controls that are scheduled.
    • See more information about the recovery of a blepharoplasty.

    Frequently asked questions

    When will I be able to go back to work?

    The process and recovery time may vary in each patient and will depend on whether the patient has undergone an upper blepharoplasty, a lower blepharoplasty or both. Nevertheless, the recovery is usually quite fast and after a few weeks the patient will recover his appearance and will be able to return to work.

    How long do the results take to be visible, and how long do they last?

    Patients should wait at least two or three weeks or, even in some cases, up to four weeks, for the inflammation, edema and especially the bruise to disappear, in order to perceive the results. Thereafter the scar is not perceived, the effects are maintained in the long term and the bags of fat normally do not reappear.

    When can I watch TV, read, wear contact lenses, make up or play sports?

    During the hours or days after surgery, you may experience blurred vision, although you will be able to read and use electronic devices with a screen without problems and lead a normal but quite life. To wear makeup or put on contact lenses again, you must wait between 1 and 2 weeks, depending on whether you have undergone an upper or a lower blepharoplasty. From the second week onwards, physical exercise may be resumed as long as the doctor indicates.

    From what age can I have a blepharoplasty?

    There is no certain age, although the truth is that they are more frequent as the people gets older. From the age of 40 (in some cases before), it is usually when excess skin usually begins to appear on the upper eyelids, and fat bags on the lower eyelids.


    Does blepharoplasty eliminate frown lines and “crow’s feet”?

    Wrinkles on the skin around the eye do not disappear after the blepharoplasty, but our oculoplastic ophthalmologists also specialize in complementary cosmetic techniques, such as botulinum toxin, which helps reducing or eliminating crow’s feet, frown lines and front wrinkles. Microneedling of vitamins or hyaluronic acid, on the other hand, helps regenerate the collagen in the dermis and gives a more youthful appearance to the skin.

    Why is it important that the operation is performed by an oculoplastic ophthalmologist?

    The ophthalmologist specialized in ocular plastic surgery, in addition to providing good results at a cosmetic level, also knows the anatomy of the eyeball and the eyelids and, above all, knows how to preserve the function of the eye. Putting yourself in the hands of professionals with the necessary medical and surgical knowledge to treat this area minimizes the risks during the intervention and the postoperative problems.

    In addition to that, at ICR we have the latest technology and a 24 hours emergency service, which makes it easier for patients to enjoy full availability whenever they need it.

    How much does a blepharoplasty cost?

    The price will depend on the technique that the oculoplastic ophthalmologist assesses as more appropriate for the particular case of each patient. From the previous visit with the surgeon and the diagnostic tests a personalized budget will be made. In ICR we offer different financing options according to needs. Ask us without obligation.

    ICR blepharoplastiy and cosmetic eye specialists

    Our ophthalmologists have specialized training in eye and facial plastic surgery. The department has extensive experience in eyelid surgery and interventions on the expression lines, which guarantees a comprehensive treatment of the ocular and peripheral area without compromising its functions.

    Experience, professionalism and personalized attention.

    Medical content revised by - Last revision 13/08/2024

    Do you have any questions?

    Contact us or request an appointment with one of our specialists.