ICR Ganduxer is the headquarters of ICR Ophthalmology Centre and the reference centre for all delegations. The building consists of 6 floors with 38 ophthalmologic consulting rooms, 23 optometric consulting rooms and 28 diagnostic testing and treatment rooms. In addition, it has consulting rooms exclusive to the emergency department, which operates 24 hours a day all year round with the presence of an ophthalmologist plus a surgeon on-call.

See the list of agreements with mutuals and health insurance companies available at ICR Ophthalmology Centre.

Registration Code of Centers, Services and Establishments of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya: E08971725.

How to get to ICR Ganduxer

You can reach our centre by public transport (bus or Ferrocarriles Catalanes). The following map specifies the nearest stations and stops:

C/ Ganduxer,117
08022 Barcelona

– Car Park Ferran Casablancas (Ferran Casablancas square)  
– Car Park Dr. Roig i Raventós (76B, Dalmases street). Special prices for ICR patients.

V11, V13, H6, H4, 70, 75, 123

FGC: Sarrià, Tres Torres

Telephone number
+34 93 254 79 22

Emergencies telephone number
+34 93 418 72 27

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.