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Medical license n.62637

Bachelor of Medicine from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and specialist in ophtalmology at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Dr. Wolfenson is an ophtalmologist specialized in glaucoma and stands out for her active participation in refresher courses and congresses of the specialty.



Spanish, English and French.


  • Bachelor of Medicine at the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Especialista en oftalmologia a l’Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.


  • Member of the Glaucoma Department.
  • Member of the Emergencies Department.


  • Author of ”Desafíos en la formación de residentes oftalmológicos durante la pandemia COVID-19.”
  • Author of ”Glaucoma secundario a aumento de presión venosa epiescleral.”
  • Author of ‘Resumen encuentro internacional SAO-Bascom Palmer.”

Additional Information

  • Participation in numerous specialization and refresher courses.
  • Several communications in congresses of the specialty.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with one of our specialists.