La Dra. Martí comprova la resposta visual d'un infant en una comissió de la Fundació realitzada al Txad.

Fundació Ramon Martí i Bonet (the Ramon Martí i Bonet Foundation) is a non-profit private entity that aims to improve eye health and future perspectives of children, teenagers and adults that are in a vulnerability situation. From the Foundation both local and international projects are held in order to guarantee the right to visual health. This right is key in order to significantly improve the quality of life.

Our milestones

The entity was founded in 2008 by Dr. Ramon Martí i Bonet, well-known ophthalmologist and also founder of the Institut Català de Retina, in order to help the most vulnerable people recover their vision. Since then, the project has grown and has contributed to the well-being of thousands of people.

2024 closed with the following cumulative figures:


people assisted


correctional glasses handed


children detected with visual defficiencies


people intervened


people educated in early detection


courses taught to detect evitable blindness

Vision for everybody in Catalonia

Locally, Fundació Ramon Martí i Bonet collaborates with several organizations in order to guarantee the right to eye health in our close surroundings. The foundation works for equal opportunities and tries to reach people from all ages with undetected problems in their sight. Multiple actions are taken in order to fulfill this mission: visual trackings (mainly in educational centers), early attention to detect avoidable child blindness, ophthalmologic and optometric examinations, correctional glasses provision.

Through these actions, the Foundation contributes to improve the academic performance, job placement, life quality and future perspectives of many people in risk of social exclusion.

Another decisive mission is the sensibilization on the importance sight. Having a good eye health not only is it a fundamental right, but it is also essential in order to have equal opportunities. That is why, the Foundation holds charity events and is present in several cultural acts.

International cooperation projects

The Ramon Martí i Bonet Foundation has plenty of international cooperation projects. Missions are being carried out in countries such as Chad, India or Peru manily, but the Foundation has also worked in Nicaragua and Ukarine. The goal is again to ensure visual health of the most vulnerable people, in this case in developing countries.

Professionals of eye health in different specialities go to these areas as non-profit aid workers, in order to check the vision of members in disadvantaged communities. To those people who need it, treatments, correctional glasses or surgical interventions (especially cataracts or glaucoma) are offered to them.

Another very important task of the Foundation overseas is the education of professionals from these countries in order to guarantee a self-sustainable ophthalmology service. In the program “Early Intervention”, a project that takes place in India, trainings have the goal of preventing child blindness.

Collaborate with the Foundation

If you too believe that everyone should be able to have good sight and hold the same opportunities, collaborate with Fundació Ramon Martí i Bonet. You can donate the quantity you wish here.

Thank you for helping us guarantee a future with vision for everyone.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.