Institut Català de Retina has different delegations and centers which are located in the districts of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi and Gràcia of Barcelona and in Terrassa.

ICR Barcelona Headquarters

C. Ganduxer, 117
08022 Barcelona
How to get there

ICR Headquarters has 38 consulting rooms, 23 optometry rooms, 28 rooms for diagnostic tests and treatments and 5 emergency consulting rooms (open 24/7, all year long).

Recepción del centro de ICR en Terrassa

ICR Terrassa

C. del Nord, 77
08221 Terrassa
How to get there

The ICR Delegation in Terrassa has ophthalmology consulting rooms, optometry rooms and rooms for diagnostic tests and treatments equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

ICR Gràcia Delegation – Clínica Ntra. Sra. del Remei

C. de l’Escorial, 148
08024 Barcelona
How to get there

ICR offers a service of ophthalmology with several specializations at Clínica Nostra Senyora del Remei, a hospital located in Gracia, Barcelona.

ICR Pau Alcover

C. Pau Alcover, 67
08017 Barcelona
How to get there

ICR Pau Alcover building has some consulting rooms of general ophthalmology and eye tests.

ICR Cerignola

C. Cerignola, 14
08022 Barcelona
How to get there

ICR Cerignola building is especifically equipped for treatments in the fields of Oculoplastics, Ocular Aesthetics and Neuroophthalmology.

Façana de la Clínica Bonanova de Cirurgia Ocular

Clínica Bonanova Surgical Center

Pg. de la Bonanova, 22
08022 Barcelona
How to get there

The majority of our patients who require a surgical treatment undergo surgery at the Clínica Bonanova de Cirurgia Ocular, which is also equipped with the necessary technology to perform diagnostic tests.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.