ICR Pau Alcover building houses some General Ophthalmology consultatiing rooms and Eye Tests.

Appointments can be scheduled through our online appointment service.

Registration Code for Health Centres, Services and Establishments of the Health Department of the Catalan Government: E08939168.

C/ Pau Alcover 67
08017 Barcelona

– Car Park Ferran Casablancas (Ferran Casablancas square)
Car Park Dr. Roig i Raventós (76B, Dalmases street). Special prices for ICR patients.

FGC: Sarrià, Tres Torres

Telephone number
(+34) 93 254 79 22

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 8 am to 9 pm.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.