Medicine is a changing science that is rapidly and constantly evolving. For this reason, continuous medical education is mandatory. Teaching is both a key element and a long tradition in the ICR. Evidence for this, is for example, the vast calendar of programmed clinical sessions, addressed to update the knowledge of specialists and residents. The general clinical sessions are certified by the Catalan Council for the Medical Continuous Training (“Consell Català de la Formació Mèdica Continuada”) Committee for the Continuous Training of the National Health System (3,9 university credits). Since 2001 the ICR has been certified to train doctors in ophthalmology (Residentship Programme).

The Comisión Nacional de la Especialidad en Oftalmología del Ministerio de Sanidad (The National Committee for the Ophthalmology Specialty of the Health Department) granted two yearly MIR positions in Ophthalmology for Medical Internal Residents, linked to the Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor. In 2007 a step forward was achieved, by offering the Fellowship Programme (Masters Degree for the University of Barcelona), as postgraduate training programme in ophthalmic subspecialties.

Head of Teaching Department at ICR: Dr. Marcos Muñoz

Clinical sessions

The ICR has a broad range of general and special clinical sessions, both online and on-site:

General clinical sessions: The programme of these sessions is planned for the whole year and is certified by the Consell Català de Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanitàries (Catalan Council of Continuing Education in Health Professions). Conducted by all the ophthalmologists and most of the optometrists of ICR, plus some guest professionals specialised in ophthalmology or other scientific areas. These sessions take place once a week.

Retina sessions: presentation and discussion of clinical cases, monographic topics and reviews of articles on medical and surgical retina. Weekly.

Glaucoma sessions: clinical cases, monographic topics, bibliographic reviews and presentation of research projects. Weekly.

Neuroophthalmology sessions: monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of each month from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm, where the neuroophthalmology working group aims to coordinate and optimize protocols, perform literature reviews and discussion of clinical cases of their practice. The place where they are held rotates between the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, the Catalan Retina Institute and the Hospital de Sant Pau. Since September 2011 this Group has been recognized by the Catalan Society of Ophthalmology. The protocols agreed upon by the group are included in the web of the mentioned society and published in the Annals of Ophthalmology so that they can be used in daily practice for all ophthalmologists.

Refractive Surgery sessions: Discussion of various topics in the field. Weekly.

Oculoplastics sessions: monthly program for the presentation and discussion of related topics. Monthly.

Cornea sessions: monthly program for the presentation and discussion of related topics. Monthly.

Contactology sessions: Discussion of various topics in the field. Monthly.

Ophthalmology sessions: Discussion and presentation of related topics. Monthly.

Pediatric Ophthalmology sessions: Presentation and discussion of clinical cases, monographic topics and article reviews. Monthly.

Administration sessions: Discussion of various topics related to the department. Monthly.

Do you have any questions?

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