Rétine et vitré

There is a wide range of diseases that affect the retina and the vitreous body. ICR Retina and Vitreous Department treats diseases ranging from common diseases, such as retinal detachment or disorders caused by diabetes, to rare disorders, such as those with a hereditary origin.

It was created when the Institute was founded, and from the very first moment, it pioneered in the use of new laser treatments, digital angiography and retinal and vitreous surgery. ICR was the first European centre that used the micro-incisional technique in vitreoretinal surgery and pioneers in the latest surgical techniques and pharmacological treatments.

In terms of diseases, Age Related Macular Degeneration (DMAE) is the most frequent cause of vision loss among patients over 50 years old and also the main cause of blindness among patients this age in developed countries.

It consists of a degeneration of the central part of the retina (called macula), that is responsible for high definition central vision. This degeneration causes difficulties in doing certain activities, such as driving a car, reading, sewing, recognising people’s faces, etc.

Advances in the treatment of retinal diseases

ICR Medical Director Dr Jürgens describes the main technological progresses achieved for the treatment of retina diseases.


ICR Medical Director Dr Jürgens explains which treatments for retina diseases that were once unthinkable have become a reality today.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.