Retrat del Dr. Ignasi Jürgens, Director Mèdic i Responsable del Departament de Retina de l'ICR

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Member Nº: 27.539

Ophthalmologist with more than 20 years of experience, is a specialist in retina and vitrioretinian pathology.

Current medical director of the Institut Català de Retina and is the head of the Retina and Vitreous Department of the ICR. He has received several national awards in recognition of their profession. Dr. Ignasi Jurgens was a pioneer in the introduction of techniques of minimally invasive surgery in retina, which allow a less aggressive eye surgery with a faster postoperative recovery and better results.

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Catalan, Spanish, English, German, French and Italian.


  • Degree in medicine and surgery at Universitat  Autònoma de Barcelona in June 1990.
  • Doctor of Medicine and Surgery for the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 1998 with the doctoral thesis “Study of the ocular textiles by means of skills based on the electrical impedance” with the qualification of Cum Laude.
  • Training as a specialist in ophthalmology in the Ciudad Sanitaria i Universitària de Bellvitge (Barcelona) 1991-1994.
  • Examination of degree in medicine and surgery from the United States (USMLE – United States Medical Licensing Examination.

Training abroad

  • Stay in the Retina Service of the Department of Ophthalmology of the University of California at San Francisco, United States.
  • Stay in the service of Retina of the Retina Consultants to Sacramento, United States.
  • Stay in the Retina Service of the University Eye Clinic in Frankfurt-Hoechst.


  • Medical Director of the Institut Català de Retina.
  • Head of the Department of Retina and Vitreous of the Institut Català de Retina.


  • Professor of ophthalmology at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
  • Director of the Master Fellowship in Medical and Surgical Retina of the Institut Català de Retina and at Universitat de Barcelona.


  • Extraordinary award of Licentiate granted by Junta de Gobierno de la Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • National first prize of Completion of University studies granted by the Science and Education Department.
  • Better examination in the Selective Tests to the Specialized Health Care Training for Doctors (review M. I. R). Number 1 of the notice.
  • Award to the best original video for retina Detachment by intrusion of silicone band. VII biennial of Video-ophthalmology. Hospital Mútua de Terrassa. Terrassa.
  • Award for the best oral communication: Oral communication Millor by treatment of AMD amb Avastin ® in: search results to 2 anys. 40E Congrès de la Societat Catalana d’ Oftalmología.
  • Second Prize ICR to the best research work 2007: “Vitrectomy 20G versus vitrectomy 25G in the membrane treatment epirretinianas (MER): a comparative study”.
  • ICR second prize for the best work of 2009 research “treatment of AMD with Avastin in neovascular subretinal membranes: resultados a 2 Años”.
  • Second prize ICR the best research work 2010 “Sd-OCT in the postsurgical follow retinal detachment”.
  • Angelini Awards 2010 – accessit ocular primary amyloidosis in the uveal effusion syndrome (Montserrat Gonzalez Sastre, Ignasi Jurgens Mestre).
  • Award for the best Oral communication: “Anàlisi tomogràfica coronal: mètode diagnòstic no invasiu i fiable per a corioretinopatia serosa central“. 42 Congress of “Societat Catalana d’Oftalmologia”. Barcelona.
  • Prize for the Best Oral Communication: natural evolution and results of the surgery in the foveosquisis myopic. XVIITH Congress of the Spanish Society of retina and vitreous. Madrid, 8 and 9 March 2013.

Medical societies

  • Member of the Societat Catalana d’Oftalmologia.
  • Member of Sociedad Española de Oftalmología.
  • Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
  • Member of the Sociedad Española de Retina y Vítreo.
  • Member of the European Vitreo-retinal Society.
  • Member of the European Retina Society – Euretina.
  • Member of Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques de Catalunya i Balears.
  • Member of the European Vitreo-retinal Advisory Board.
  • Member of the European Vision Institute – Clinical Trials – Sites of Excellence: representative of the section of Retina.
  • Secretary of Junta Directiva de la Societat Catalana d’Oftalmologia de 2000 a 2004.

Additional information

  • Multiple national and international publications.
  • Informative publications, clinical trial and research projects.
  • Multiple courses, workshops and national and international round-table.
  • Scientific reviews of journals and scientific reviews of books.
  • Organization of congresses, courses and scientific events.
  • Translations, panel presentations, oral and video.
  • Assistance to congresses and monographic courses.
  • Participation to courts of squares of titular teacher.

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