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Medical license no. 61897

Bachelor of Medicine from the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, specialist in Ophthalmology in the University of Buenos Aires and licensed in electrophysiology and explorations of the visual function. Dr. Melisa Picco is an ophthalmologist specialized in retina and vitreous pathologies. She has studied graduate courses in France and Argentina and she stands out for her scientific publications as well as her active participation in updating courses and congresses of the specialty.


Spanish, English, French and Italian.


  • Bachelor of Medicine from the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires
  • Specialist in Ophthalmology in the University of Buenos Aires
  • Ophthalmology Residency in the Argentina Ophthalmological Foundation Jorge Malbran.
  • Graduate program in Explorations of the Visual Function, University of Paris
  • Graduate program in pathology and vitreoretinal surgery, Center Monticelli Paradis (France)
  • Graduate program in Electrophysiology and explorations of the visual function, University of Paris


  • Member of the Retina and Vitreous Department
  • Member of the Neuro-Ophthalmology Department


  • Co-authorship of the article “¿Por qué elegir la máquina Constellation de Alcon?”. European Society of Retina and Vitreous.
  • Co-authorship of the article “23G, 25G, 27G … ¿Cuál elegir?”. European Society of Retina and Vitreous.
  • Co-authorship of the chapter 15 in the Annal of the French Ophthalmology Society 2016: “Edema macular – Límites del edema: Foveosquisis miópica”.
  • Co-authorship of the scientific work “Desprendimiento de retina tras cirugía de cataratas congénitas”. XXIII Course of the Panamerican Ophthalmology Association and the Uruguayan Ophthalmology Association.
  • Participation in several clinical trials.


  • Prize of the French Ophthalmology Society board for the work  “Reparación de una ciclodiásis postraumática”.
  • Prize for the best scientific poster of the Iberoamerican Ophthalmology Congress: “Trabeculotomía-trabeculectomía: Descripción de técnicas e indicaciones”.

Medical societies

  • Member of the French Ophthalmology Society
  • Member of the European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA)

Aditional information

  • Participation in numerous specialization and refresher courses
  • Several communications in congresses of the specialty

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.