Laser surgery

Escimer Laser is used in this type of surgery, known as LASIK technique.

Firstly, we lift up a slim layer of the anterior corneal tissue, which we cut with a microqueratome. We apply the excimer laser on the cornea, in order to achieve the desired refractive effect. To end, the previously lifted corneal layer gets replaced again on its previous position. This surgery is performed under topical anaesthesia (eye drops), without hospital admission.

Refractive surgery through of the lens (CLE) – Clear Lens Extraction

This technique consists in extracting with ultrasounds the transparent lens, and replacing it with an intraocular lens similar to the ones used in the cataract surgery procedures.

The ideal candidates for the use of this technique tend to be those with high diopters and aged above 50. This technique involves outpatient surgery (the patient does not need to be admitted in hospital).

Implantation of the flexible epicrystalline intraocular lens (ICL)

This technique involves introducing a lens in the eye, with the proper lens power to compensate myopia or hyperopia. Due to its characteristics, has been compared with “a contact lens inside the eye” and, as a matter of fact, its English denomination is “Implantable Contact Lens (ICL)”. It is one of the most modern techniques that allow the correction of high refractive defects or the treatment for patients not suitable as candidates for the Excimer laser (LASIK) technique, due to insufficient corneal thickness or irregular topographies.The ideal candidate would be older than 21 and younger than 50, with no related ocular disease and with refractive stability for longer than a year. . This technique involves outpatient surgery.

Astigmatic queratotomy

It allows treating high astigmatism, either congenital or secondary to trauma, corneal deformations or post-operative. It’s performed by making cuts in the cornea, with a specific shape and depth, with diamond knives especially designed and calibrated.

Phototherapeutic keratectomy with excimer laser

Fototherapeutic queratectomy with excimer laser (QFT) has been applied in ophthalmology since 1985. Its most common indications are:
•    Corneal erosions
•    Band keratopathy
•    Superficial corneal scars
•    Post-inflammatory corneal nodules

This technique allows recovering the corneal transparency, smoothing its surface, in cases with recurrent corneal erosions reducing the frequency of relapses or healing them completely up until a 75% of the cases, according to the results of several conducted studies.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with one of our specialists.