More than 15 years of experience with a team dedicated exclusively to refractive surgery.
We offer 24-hour emergency care, with four consultancy rooms dedicated exclusively to ophthalmologic emergencies which run simultaneously, 365 days a year.
The centre has the latest technology when it comes to diagnostic tests and lasers, as well as surgical and therapeutic procedures.
We have the most advanced laser technology: Excimer laser and femtosecond laser platforms (Wavelight Refractive Suite, ALCON).
We are a comprehensive centre, covering all specialities of ophthalmology.
We have more than 350 professionals and over 90 ophthalmologists at your service.
The first informative tour where will take place a test of surface not invasive doesn’t have any cost. With this test already is can guarantee that it is an optimal candidate for refractive surgery.
We perform a preoperative study rigorous and complete with the aim of giving advice, in each particular case, which is the ideal solution. We will not tire never insist on this, nor in the importance of the human relationship and trust between the doctor and the person you are looking for a solution to your visual problem.
Our Research Department guarantees, promotes and facilitates the search for maximum quality and rigor in the field of ophthalmology. It is accredited by the European Vision Institute (EVI), one of the most prestigious organizations of research in Europe.
We collaborate with the Government of Catalonia in the preparation and drafting of technical criteria for the authorisation of centres performing refractive surgery, as well as the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology’s Commission of Informed Consent.
Contact us or request an appointment with one of our specialists.