ICR Opthalmology Center (Institut Català de Retina) has several centers and delegations between Barcelona and Terrassa. In theses facilities, we have the necessary spaces and tools to offer a high quality medical assistance.
Our headquarters are located at carrer Ganduxer, 117 in Barcelona, in Sarrià – Sant Gervasi district. The building, composed of six floors, has wide and comfortable spaces designed for the convenience of our patients and relatives while in the center.
ICR has at its disposal 31 ophthalmology consulting rooms (4 of them dedicated to medical emergencies), 14 optometry consulting rooms and 7 diagnosis and treatment rooms. In every single floor, the patient will find a reception where we provide fully personalized patient care and attention.
All rooms are perfectly equipped depending on specialization areas. This means there is a special area arranged for the Department of Pædiatrics Ophthalmology with necessary items so as to make the children’s visit to the center as pleasant as possible, and an exclusive area for testing and visits for the Department of Refractive Surgery. The ground floor houses the 5 emergency service consulting rooms available around the clock every day of the year, which area totally equipped for a proper emergency care.
Comptem amb els últims avanços tecnològics, tant en les proves diagnòstiques com en els procediments quirúrgics i terapèutics i disposem de cinc quiròfans de cirurgia major ambulatòria.
We have access to the latest technology, not only in diagnostic tests, but also in surgical and therapeutic procedures. We also have five operating rooms for major outpatient surgery.
Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.