The second edition of the Barcelona medical meeting New trends in multifocal surgery II organized by Alcon, a medical equipment company, will take place on 1st December. During the development of this round table new trends in multifocal procedure for crystalline lens surgery (multifocal lenses) will be analyzed and the experiences and outcomes observed in the use of new technologies will be discussed.

What are trifocal lenses?

Trifocal lenses are a technology that allows the correction of three-distance vision: near vision, distance vision and intermediate vision. This technology goes beyond previous multifocal (bifocal) lenses, as it offers an additional focal point. This improves vision quality and independence from glasses. It also offers an option to people that besides near or distance vision problems, also suffer from astigmatism and corrects problems such as cataracts (as trifocal lenses replace the opacified crystalline lens) and presbyopia.

Dr. Francesc Duch, Head of Refractive Surgery at Institut Català de Retina will take part in the meeting as the event coordinator. The event will start with a brief presentation regarding the current situation of trifocal lenses in the Iberian Peninsula.

Later on, the new generation of trifocal lenses and the clinical outcomes achieved with AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® will be addressed.

Round table on multifocal lenses indication

Finally, a round table having Dr. Francesc Duch as a chairman and Dr. Josep Mª Pedrell, Head of Cataract Department at ICR, as a speaker will begin. During its course, the speakers will approach the indication criteria for multifocal lenses.

Medical content revised by - Last revision 07/02/2020

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