T'expliquem factors a tenir en compte a l'hora de valorar el millor moment per operar-se la vista i reduir la dependència de les ulleres.

Photo by Leeloo The First at Pexels.

If you have myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism or presbyopia, you have probably considered undergoing a refractive surgery, a surgical solution to reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses. It is a group of procedures very common in our operating rooms and it usually has very high satisfaction rates.

If you are thinking about it, here are a few tips to choose the best moment to undergo this surgery and start seeing more clearly without your glasses.

When is it recommended to undergo eye surgery?

The first thing you need to know is that, except in the situations described below, any adult person with a refractive deffect and a stable refraction could be a surgery candidate, regardless of the number of diopters to be corrected.  

In order to confirm it in each case, preliminary tests must be performed and later on analized by the medical team of the Refractive Surgery Department in order to determine the possibilities of each patient (in regards to techniques, operation date, etc.).

In general, refractive surgery is not recommended to:

  • Young people under 21. Before that age, this kind of surgery is usually not performed.
  • Women who are pregnant or on their 6 months after labor. During pregnancy, there can be hormonal changes that may affect the eyes and the vision.
  • People who have experienced changes in their diopters in the last 12 months. Any changes beyond half a diopter are considered a sign of instability.
Who can have refractive surgery?

Key factors when choosing the best moment

Aside from this recommendations and subject to the prescriptions of the medical teams during the previous appointments, each patient is free to choose the moment in which they prefer to undergo the surgery, depending on their needs and lifestyle.

That being said, there are some key factors that could be taken into account:

  • Depending on the surgical technique, both eyes may be operated on in the same surgical procedure (corneal laser surgery techniques) or each eye may be operated on in one of two different surgical procedures, separated by one week (intraocular lens implantation techniques).
  • Recovery is usually fast. In general, daily life can be resumed the following day.
  • The improvement in vision is usually noticeable very quickly, although it may require a period of adaptation.
  • It will be necessary to rest for the first few hours after surgery and, in some cases, a short time off work may be required.
  • Mild sports can be resumed 7 days after the operation; for contact or impact sports, it is recommended to wait a month and start gradually.
  • Postoperative visits will be made during the first year after surgery to ensure good results.
  • The correction made with the operation is stable and remains in time. Although changes in the eye may occur naturally, the benefits of the surgery are maintained over the long term.
  • Any time of the year is good to have surgery to reduce dependence on glasses and contact lenses. Summer (or a little earlier) is usually the season of choice for some patients, as we tend to do more outdoor activities and it is more comfortable not having to wear glasses.

In any case, the most important thing is deciding, regardless of the moment of the surgery. Being able to do without glasses and contact lenses allows you to improve your quality of life any time of the year.

Do you still have doubts?

Here you may find answers to some of the most frequently asqued questions from patients who are also considering undergoing this type of surgery. If you still have any doubt, you could ask us for more information if you leave your contact data in the form at the top of this page.

You may also request an appointment for the previous tests and address any questions directly at the medical staff. At ICR, our Refractive Surgery Department has over 25 years of experience in these procedures. We offer several surgical techinques, performed by highly qualified professionals with the latest technology.

Medical content revised by - Last revision 24/02/2025

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.