In memoriam of Dr. Martí i Bonet

We regret to inform you that last June 30th, Dr. Ramon Martí i Bonet, founder and president of Institut Català de Retina, passed away. Dr. Martí was graduate in Medicine from the University of Barcelona, specialist in Ophthalmology at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and Doctor in Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

He dedicated his life to working tirelessly for the prevention, diagnosis and control of eye diseases, focusing on the treatment and research of retinal pathologies. His initiative and passion for ophthalmology led him to found, in 1986, Institut Català de Retina (ICR), which has become an ophthalmological center of both national and international reference.

As a result of his commitment to the most underpriviledged, in 2008 he created the Fundació Ramon Martí i Bonet contra la ceguera (Ramon Martí i Bonet Foundation against blindness), a non-profit organization that has played a key role in caring for the visual health of the most vulnerable people. From the foundation he chaired, he created his own projects and offered ophthalmological services to people without resources, both locally with the project “Visió per a Tothom a Catalunya” (Vision for all in Catalonia), and internationally, with projects in countries such as Chad, Peru or India. His mark will undoubtedly remain in these countries, where Dr. Martí i Bonet was always willing to help by assisting patients, training local professionals and providing them with the operating rooms and the necessary equipment to make them autonomous.

His family, friends and patients, as well as staff and collaborators of the ICR group and the Foundation will always remember him as an upright, intelligent, hard-working and committed person. We will be eternally grateful for all that he has taught us over the years and, despite his absence, we know that his career will always leave a mark on everyone who knew him.

The commitment, dedication and honesty that you offered the world will undoubtedly become our strength.

May he rest in peace.

Medical content revised by - Last revision 30/06/2021

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