All the professionals at ICR Ophthalmology Center are at your disposal in order to make sure that your stay is as pleasant as possible. This is why, besides having a high-level medical team and state-of-the-art technology and techniques, we also offer several tailored services to accompany you every step of the way, from the first contact until the end of the treatment.
With the goal of providing our patients with personalized and high-quality care, we have a patient care service made of a team of professionals who will assist you with everything you need.
We firmly believe in the importance of offering a humane, respectful, and approachable service to out patients that makes your experience at our center as comfortable as possible. Our Patient Care staff will be by your side to help you resolve any doubts, convey suggestions, request a second medical opinion, express gratitude or send your comments to the center.
We will guide you as well in managing procedures, indicating the steps to follow and the available channels to complete these processes.
You can contact our Patient Care team here.
If you wish to have your medical history records, you can ask for it and our Reports team will prepare and send the test results and reports performed by our professionals after the medical appointment is over.
You can request the documents through the contact form. You can choose between picking them up from the reception of our center or receiving them via email.
At ICR we have a strong commitment with the continuous improvement of the experience of our patients. That is why all of our new and regular patients receive an online questionnaire in which they can evaluate their experience at ICR if they want to. They can also send suggestions, which we are trying to turn into improvement actions.
Out of the 35.000 received evaluations, 76% of the patients has given us a 9 or a 10 out of 10. This means that 3 in every 4 patients would rate us with an A or above. Moreover, we turn the patients’ comments in their evaluations into our daily improvement actions for each one of our services.
You can also share your experience at ICR here or make suggestions for us here.
You can request an appointment:
In some cases, it is more convenient for the patient to have a consultation online. However, this is not always possible when it comes to a medical issues. At ICR, we offer teleconsultations through the Second Medical Opinion service. The ophthalmologist will review the tests and reports previously conducted by a specialist and provide an evaluation. You can check the conditions of the service here.
Les persones que venen d’un altre país i que no parlen català ni castellà també es poden visitar al centre. Disposem d’un equip multilingüe de professionals dedicat exclusivament a l’atenció dels pacients internacionals. Assistim als pacients que ho requereixen en els tràmits necessaris perquè tothom que ho vulgui pugui acudir al centre. També oferim un servei d’acompanyament durant tota l’estada a l’Institut Català de Retina.
People coming from other countries who do not speak Catalan or Spanish can also attend an appointment at ICR. We have a multilingual team of professionals dedicated exclusively to the care of international patients. We assist patients who need it in the required administrative procedures. We also offer an accompainment service throughout the entire stay in our center.
Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.