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License number. 46490

Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery from University of Barcelona, Ophthalmology Speciality from  Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII, Dr. Daniel Vila is an ophthalmologis specialized in retina pathologies. He has received education from several academic and medical institutions, such cas ICR, where he has been practicing ophthalmology in the Retina and Emergencies departments for more than 10 years.



Spanish, Catalan and English


  • Bachelor in Medicine at Hospital Clínic i Provincial of Barcelona.
  • Specialist in Ophthalmology at Josep Trueta University Hospital, Girona.
  • “Clinical Fellowship in Medical Retina”. Training in retina at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom.
  • “Fellow in Combined Medical and Surgical Retina”. Training in medical and surgical retina eat Bristol Eye Hospital, United Kingdom.
  • Master in medical and surgical retina at Institut Català de Retina, Barcelona.
  • Presentation of Investigation Sufficiency: Neuropatia per amiodarona. Autonomous University of Barcelona.
  • Doctoral thesis: Valoració en un estudi prospectiu de l’estat de la membrana limitant interna a partir de tincions intraoperatòries i de l’anatomia patològica quan s’extreu la membrana epiretiniana macular. Autonomous University of Barcelona.


  • Ophthalmologist in the Department of Retina.
  • Ophthalmologist in the Department of Emergencies.


  • Author of the article “Assessment of the internal limiting membrane when a macular epiretinal membrane is removed in a prospective study”, published at Retina, the journal of retinal and vitreous disease. December 2017.
  • Author of the article “Comparación de resultados visuales a largo plazo entre pacientes operados y observados de membrana epirretiniana macular con buena agudeza visual”. Published at Annals d’Oftalmologia. March 2023.
  • Researcher at clinical trial “Zimura: A Phase 3 Safety and Efficacy Study of Intravitreal Admistration of Zimura (Complement C5 Inhibitor).”
  • Researcher at clinical trial“Alexion: A Phase 2 Dose Range Finding Study of Danicopan in Participants With Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration.”
  • Researcher at clinical trial “Lightsite II: Study of Photobiomodulation to Treat Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration”.
  • Researcher at clinical trial“Henlius: A Phase 3 Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of HLX04-o With Ranibizumab in Subjects With Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration.”
  • Researcher at clinical trial “Ophthea: A Phase 3 Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of intravitreal OPT-302 in Combination With Ranibizumab, Compared With Ranibizumab Alone, in Participants With Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration.”
  • Researcher at clinical trial “Qilu: A Phase 3 Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of QL1207 With Eylea in Subjects With Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration.
  • Researcher at clinical trial “Fovista: A Phase 3 Safety and Efficacy Study of Fovista(E10030) Intravitreous Administration in Combination With Lucentis Compared to Lucentis Monotherapy.”
  • Researcher at clinical trial “RTH 258: A Phase 3 Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of RTH258 With Eylea in Subjects With Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration.”
  • Researcher at clinical trial “View 2: A Phase 3 Study to Compare the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Rpeated Doses of Intravitreal VEGF Trap in Subjects With Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration.”
  • Researcher at clinical trial “Ivan: Head-to-head Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Avastin and Lucentis.”
  • Researcher at clinical trial “Raven: A Phase 3 Study Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Brolucizumab Versus Aflibercept in Patients With Macular Edema Secondary to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion.”
  • Researcher at clinical trial “Jetrea: A Phase 4 Study Assessing The Anatomical and Functional Outcomes in Patients Treated With Ocriplasmin for Vitreomacular Traction/Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion.”


  • Speaker at the internal meetings of the Ophthalmology Departments in the hospitals of the Tarragona area (2005-2007).
  • Speaker at the program of ophthalmology urgent processes in primary attention carried out at the Primary Attention Service in Tarragona. (May 2005).
  • Speaker at the Ophthalmology Emergencies program for residents at the Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII de Tarragona. (May 2005).
  • Speaker at the certified primary clinical sessions (PSAP-2007) in the session ”Patologia Ocular  freqüent” for doctors and other medical professionals at the Institut Català de la Salut. Tarragona. (June 2007).
  • Training of the resident doctors in general medicine about basic principles of ophthalmology. (Tarragona, June 2003 – June 2007) (Girona, July 2007 – January 2009).
  • Training of the junior residents in ophthalmology (Tarragona Juny 2004-Juny 2007) (Oxford, January 2009, March 2010).
  • Training of the retina fellows at ICR. (June 2012-2015).
  • Author of the chapter “Desprendimento del vitreo posterior” for the Master in Ophthalmological Nursing at ICR. (June 2012).

Medical societies

Member of the Catalan Society of Ophthalmology.

Additional information

  • Regular attendance at both national and international ophthalmology conferences.
  • Several communications in speciality national congresses.

Do you have any questions?

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