On September 15th – 17th, Athens held the 35th Annual Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery or ESOPRS.

It is a high excellence and scientific level meeting that deals with several plastic and reconstructive ophthalmic surgery fields and took place on the occasion in Athens Concert Hall.

Dr. Nuria Ibáñez, Head of ICR Oculoplastics Department, presented a study in which doctores Johnny Castellar and Pilar Cifuentes also participated regarding the use of pericraneal grafts to cover secondary implants in anophthalmic cavities (with no eyeball).

The aim of the study was to describe a new surgical technique to obtain a graft from the posterior area of the skull and use it to reconstruct retracted anophthalmic cavities. Three cases with such condition were presented. They required the placement of a secondary implant for which the pericraneal graft is used, thus achieving a bigger fornix and covering the defect without leaving high tension after suture. The results of this work determined that this type of implant favours a faster conjunctivalization, a proper prosthesis adaptation and physical appearance with no major discomfort. Moreover, it avoids visible scars, fluid collection, infections or wound dehiscence. Furthermore, the obtention of this graft is relatively easy and due to its large extension, there is a high availability of tissue.

For more information on the congress, which was celebrated last week, you can have a look on its website: http://esoprs2016.gr/

Medical content revised by - Last revision 06/06/2019

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