Colored contact lenses are an increasingly popular accessory for people who want to change the color of their iris. But especially during Halloween there is an increase in people using colored contact lenses to enhance their costumes. However, few are aware of the risks associated with these contact lenses.
Most people believe that fancy lenses do not require the same level of care or consideration as standar contact lenses because they can be purchased without prescription or on the internet. However, it should be noted that as confirmed by the OCU, the sale of contact lenses over the internet is illegal and they can only be dispensed in physical stores that have a professional optician-optometrist supervising the sale and ensuring that eye health is not put at risk.
All contact lenses are medical devices that require medical prescription and, therefore, a proper fitting by an eye care professional.
Even if you have perfect vision, you should carry an eye exam before wearing any type of contact lens. A prescription ensures that the lens fits the eye correctly, among other things. If the lens does not fit properly, it could be difficult to remove and cause serious injury.
If you notice redness, excessive flux, pain or any discomfort from wearing contact lenses, remove them and consult an ophthalmologist immediately. Eye infections can develop into serious injuries very quickly and in some cases, the damage may even be irreversible.
Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.