More and more people use electric scooters to get around the city. It is an efficient and fast means of transport and in many cases, it can reach very high speeds. In consequence, if it is not accompanied by adequate protection, it can lead to significant risks, also for the eyes.
During journeys by electric scooter, its users are exposed to the impact of foreign bodies, that is, particles present in the environment or that rise when other vehicles pass by their side. Without adequate protection, these bodies can directly impact our eyes and cause ocular injuries. If the impact is superficial, it usually has no relevant consequences, but if a particle ends up penetrating inside the eye, it can cause an intraocular injury that causes more serious problems. Some of these may be eye irritation, conjunctivitis, abrasion of the cornea, intraocular hemorrhage or, even in cases that are complicated, loss of vision.
In addition, the risk of falling and the possibility that it has a direct impact on the eye and causes an eye trauma should be taken into account. Or the danger we would face if, during the journey, a particle entered our eye causing us to close it or scratch it, since that could lead to a loss of stability and an accident.
Thus, although the Directorate-General for Traffic (Dirección General de Tráfico, DGT) studies limiting the speed of electric scooters to 25 km/h, according to ICR specialists, the dangers for our eyes remain. Therefore, they recommend electric scooter riders to protect themselves not only with a helmet but also with protective glasses or goggles when traveling around the city.
In this sense, the newspaper La Vanguardia, the newspaper Terrassa Digital and Betevé television network, have also shared ICR’s recommendation with their readers on their respective sites.
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