Euretina 2016

ICR team of Retina and Vitreous, led by ICR Medical Director and Head of Retina Department, Dr. Ignasi Jürgens, will take part from today, September 8th, and until the 11th, in the annual congress of European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA 2016), which will take place this year at Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Participation of ICR doctors at EURETINA 2016

The congress will fire the starting gun this Thursday, with a symposium on retinal pathology in myopia, where Dr. Jürgens will participate presenting the conference Peripapillary findings in high myopia.


On Saturday 10th, September, during free communications on imaging, Dr Agnieszka Dyrda will carry out a presentation under the name Acquired peripapillary pits: clinical and tomographic findings, developed in collaboration with doctors Amanda Rey and Ignasi Jürgens. The presentation will describe clinical and spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) characteristics in these patients.

Moreover, Dr Rey will present a work performed alongside doctors Agnieszka Dyrda, Xavier Maseras and Ignasi Jürgens on anterior and posterior segment surgery under the name Management of dexamethasone implant migration into the anterior chamber, in which the clinical course, complications and management of dexamethasone implant migration into the anterior chamber and the strategies to treat it.


Finally, Dr Jürgens and Dr Rey will take part in Euretina video contest with Intraoperative optical coherence tomography for vitreoretinal surgery, which will assess the usefulness of surgical microscope integrated OCT, the latest technological break-through in retina surgery that integrates augmented reality technology.


For more information on the congress and the presentations that will take place, you can check the congress website: Euretina 2016

Medical content revised by - Last revision 13/08/2021

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