The Spanish Society of Ophthalmology Congress (SEO) is a scientific and professional meeting that gathers renowned specialists in Ophthalmology and its sub-specialties at a national level.
This year, the Fair and Convention Center of Malaga is holding since yesterday, September 21st, the 92nd edition of the congress.
Several ophthalmologists from ICR take part as speakers in activities organised during the congress.
Medical Director and Head of Retinal Department at ICR, Dr. Ignasi Jürgens, carried out a presentation during the afternoon session on the first day of congress under the name 3-D Vitrectomy. Advantages and indications at present time, framed within the retina subspecialty, which analysed the indications and advantages that provides vitrectomy (surgical removal of vitreous humor) with 3D technology.
Today, during the second day of congress, Dr. Jürgens will present as well the uses of intraoperativa OCT (optical coherence tomography) in retinal surgery, during the session Meet the experts.
2016 Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology
In terms of oculoplastics and orbit surgery area, Dr. Núria Ibáñez, Head of ICR Oculoplastics Department, will carry out a presentation named Effectiveness and safety of facial treatment with radiofrequency for periocular rejuvenation.
ICR Oculoplastics Department – Spanish Society of Ophthalmology Congress
The effectiveness of such treatment has been significantly proved thanks to this study, that was performed by ICR oculoplastic specialist doctors Núria Ibáñez Flores, Clara Berrozpe, Pilar Cifuentes, Carolina Bruzual, Vanessa Cuadrado, Sebastián Prieto, Xavier Graell and Johnny Castellar.
Also within this area, Dr. Vanesa Cuadrado will carry out a presentation on Kaposi’s eyelid sarcoma in immunocompetent patients, and Dr. Pilar Cifuentes will present another communication of orbital necrotizing focal myositis in patients with Chron’s diseases.
ICR doctors Ibáñez and Cifuentes – Spanish Society of Ophthalmology Congress
Today, September 22nd, Dr. Alfonso Antón, Head of ICR Glaucoma Department, will carry out a presentation in the exhibition room on the design and development of glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration screening campaigns by means of telemedicine.
Dr. Antón during the congress – Spanish Society of Ophthalmology
Moreover, within September 24th panel communications, ICR ophthalmologists Dr. Pilar Cifuentes and Dr. Clara Berrozpe will present a communication on glaucoma dealing with the study of macular complete segmentation in patients affected by this disease.
In terms of neuro-ophthalmology area, which is dedicated to the study of eye connections with the brain, doctors Cecília Gómez and Clara Berrozpe will carry out a panel communication on a pineal tumor and bilateral sixth cranial nerve palsy case.
Moreover, Dr. Jordi Gatell, Head of ICR Cornea Department, will take part in the 4th edition of Walking towards emmetropia symposium, that will deal with the subject Trifocality and new platforms for diagnostic and treatment of refractive surgery.
Finally, Dr. Alfonso Antón, Head of ICR Glaucoma Department, alongside doctors Indira Artisteguieta, Olivia Pujol, Anna Puntí, Katia Sotelo and José Manuel Navero, have taken part in the drafting of a chapter of SEO 2016 official book on anterior segment OCT in angular closure with a crystalline lens origin within the chapter Medical Glaucoma.
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