Placas solares en la azotea de ICR Ganduxer
A total amount of 58 solar panels or photovoltaic modules of 410 Wp each one has been placed in our roof. Image: Adymus.

Technological innovation and efficiency are two essential pillars at Institut Català de Retina, not only in medical terms, but also in terms of energy and environmental sustainability.

We have recently taken a step forward in these matters with the placing of new solar panels that are now covering the whole roof of our main clinic, on Ganduxer street.

The numbers of the project

After a complete energy audit, it was considered and executed the most efficient option for the Ganduxer building. A total of 58 solar panels or photovoltaic modules of 410 Wp each one were set up, with power optimizers and a solar inverter.

Vista zenital de les plaques solars a l'ICR
With these solar panels we will prevent a total of 12.132,88 kg of CO2 of yearly emissions.
Image: Adymus

This project will allow us to improve our energetic consumption numbers so that:

  • Only the first year, we will produce 26.491 kWh of sustainable energy.
  • We will avoid emitting 12.132,88 kg of carbon dioxide every year, the equivalent to the effect of 485 trees.
  • The produced energy will give us an 18% of self-sufficiency in the ground floor (the one with a higher consumption, since the 24-hour emergencies service is placed there).

The installation of the modules has been run by an energy consulting agency who develops projects in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energies and electric mobility. The same company takes care of the subministration management, the set up and the maintenance of the solar panels.

Medical content revised by - Last revision 28/07/2022

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with one of our specialists.