Dr. Josep M.ª Pedrell, head of the Cataract Department, attended the exclusive AcrySof® IQ Vivity IOL Early Experience Meeting, a meeting prior to the launch of the new Vivity intraocular lenses from Alcon. The event, held in Barcelona, brought together the best cataract specialists in Europe, who had the opportunity to experience first-hand and before anyone else the innovative technology of these new lenses for the correction of presbyopia.
Currently, in cataract surgery, trifocal lenses are the lenses of choice for patients who decide to maximise their independence from the glasses after surgery, since they offer excellent visual results. However, they cannot be implanted in all types of eyes, so this new type of lenses, of which the new Vivity lens is part, are an excellent alternative for patients who cannot be implanted with a trifocal lens. With this innovative lens these patients have the possibility of achieving not only good visual acuity from afar without glasses, but also a sufficient depth of focus to obtain a functional vision at intermediate distance and thus be able to do without glasses when they perform activities such as working in the computer.
According to Dr. Pedrell, the new Vivity will mean a significant improvement in the quality of life of people with presbyopia and states that this event was a unique opportunity to know first-hand the characteristics of these innovative intraocular lenses, which are already being implemented in ICR with very good results.
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