People younger than 60 years watch an average of 8 hours a day electronic devices within a short distance. So many hours front screen can affect vision and end up becoming a problem that can cause vision problems like eyestrain, itching, dry eyes, blurred vision, redness or even headache and pain in the eyelids.
According to a study realized for Col·legi Oficial d’Òptics i Optometristes de Catalunya, over 60 people spend almost four hours a day front screen while many under 30 years of age spend more than 10 hours, of which 3 hours half spend them looking mobile phone. We have to think that the estimated time recommended would be a maximum of two hours a day.
We have to be aware that the excessive use of screens and a short distance with these causes one greater effort when it comes to focus and therefore not only causes visual fatigue that also may increase myopia or other defects of refraction. To look at a screen at short distance for so many followed hours supposes for our optical system a very important effort. In the case of mobile phones and tablets, the distance factor is essential. The letter and the measurement of the screen are smaller and we approached more and more without realizing.
Also, as it has been verified across numerous studies, to sleep with an electronic device near you can affect the quality of the sleep. The light of these devices affects sleep and concentration to sleep. This fact causes less performance during the day and is directly related to an increased use of electronic screens before going to sleep.
Another factor that affects in great part the dream is the blue light that emit computers as the tablets. This type of light penetrates very easily in our eyelids and activates a state of “alert” in the brain that does not help to relax and for which costs us more rest and rest during the night.
Today, the screens are a reality in our personal and professional life. It’s almost impossible to avoid the visual display of these devices. If we can but, follow a series of tips that will help us to reduce that today already cataloged as Computer Vision Syndrome (SVI). For example, look away every 20 minutes 20 seconds and blink or close the eyes, place the screen below the height, avoid glare on the screen, sit properly (ergonomics is important for good visual performance) or not to sleep with a mobile device in the bedside table, are some options to mitigate the effects discussed.
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