Dr. Prieto - premio mejor comunicación Rapid Fire

Dr. Sebastián Prieto was recognized with the award for the Best “Rapid Fire” Communication in the 29th Congress of the Spanish Society of Ocular and Orbital Plastic Surgery, which was held last June in Barcelona. Under the title Dolor troclear… no todo es trocleitis (Trochlear pain… not everything is trochleitis), the communication, which was prepared together with Dr. Núria Ibáñez and Dr. Xavier Graell, carried out a review of patients with trochlear pain evaluated in ICR.

Communication “Dolor troclear… no todo es trocleitis” (Trochlear pain… not everything is trochleitis)

To carry out the study the doctors made a retrospective review (from 2008 to the present time) of the patients seen in ICR with the diagnosis of trochlear pain. The study included 65 patients with trochlear pain, of wich 91% corresponded to primary trochlear headache and 9% to trochleitis. The doctors analysed the type of pain the patient presented and its outcome, as well as the results of the different tests and the most appropriate treatment.

Dr. Prieto shared the results of the study, which concluded that in a patient with trochlear pain it is important to differentiate between primary trochlear cephalea and trochleitis. Although in most cases trochleitis is idiopathic, it can also be associated with other pathologies that require a systemic study and imaging test. Even though the treatment of both pathologies is usually similar, primary trochlear headache usually has a better response to treatment with oral NSAIDs, unlike trochleitis, which more often requires treatment with local infiltration.

The rigorous study carried out by Dr. Sebastián Prieto, Dr. Núria Ibáñez and Dr. Xavier Graell earned them recognition for the Best “Rapid Fire” Communication, which was presented to them by Dr. Ferrán Mascaró, Secretary General of SECPOO. The winners will enjoy free registration at the 30th SECPOO Congress, which will be held in June 2020 in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia).

From left to right, Dr. Graell, Dr. Ibáñez and Dr. Prieto.
Award to the Best “Rapid Fire” Communication.
Medical content revised by - Last revision 30/07/2019

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