SCOFT navero maseras

The 51st Congress of the Societat Catalana d’Oftalmologia (SCOFT) was held on November 26th, 27th and 28th, this year by telematic means. The congress was attended by numerous experts in ophthalmology, including Dr. José Manuel Navero and Dr. Xavier Maseras, members of the Department of Glaucoma and the Department of Retina and Vitreous of ICR respectively.

SCOFT treated multiple ocular pathologies

The program covered a wide range of ocular pathologies. Among these, highlights included personalization in the treatment of presbyopia, the new approach to dry eye inflammation, the current status of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma surgery.

There were also several presentations on diagnostic techniques and tests and the opportunity to discuss clinical cases of patients with strabismus or ocular pain.

Dr. Navero and Dr. Maseras, speakers in the clinical case discussion on retina and glaucoma

Congress attendees also had the opportunity to hear clinical cases on glaucoma and retinal diseases, two of the most common eye problems in society. The lectures were given by ICR doctors José Manuel Navero and Xavier Maseras, experts in the field.

In Dr. Navero’s work, a case of a patient with high myopia and glaucoma was presented, one of the most difficult situations to treat in this department. The doctor, on this occasion, gave guidelines for the follow-up and treatment of the pathology.

El Dr. Navero participó en una discusión sobre casos clínicos de pacientes con glaucoma.
Dr. Navero participated in a clinical case discussion on patients with glaucoma.
El Dr. Navero explicó un caso de miopía magna y glaucoma en la discusión de casos clínicos sobre glaucoma.
Dr. Navero explained a case of high myopia and glaucoma in glaucoma clinical cases discussion.

On the other hand, Dr. Maseras participated in a round table of retinal clinical cases, where different current issues were addressed and the best diagnostic and treatment options for this type of pathology were discussed.

Diferentes expertos, entre ellos el Dr. Maseras, debatieron sobre casos clínicos de retina.
Various experts, one of them Dr. Maseras, discussed about retinal clinical cases.
El Doctor Maseras de ICR discutió sobre las mejores terapias en patologías retinianas.
Doctor Maseras debated about best therapies in retinal diseases.
Medical content revised by - Last revision 10/11/2021

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