Tesi doctoral Dr. Muñoz

Dr. Marcos Muñoz, coordinator of the Emergency Department and member of the Glaucoma Department of ICR, presented his doctoral thesis last May at the Escuela de doctorado de la Universidad Internacional de Catalunya of Barcelona. The thesis, entitled Eficacia hipotensora y seguridad de la cirugía filtrante con implante Ex-PRESS versus esclerectomía profunda con implante Esnoper en cirugía combinada de catarata y glaucoma, was defended in front of an examining board formed by Doctors Rafael Barraquer, Susana Duch and Jordi Loscos, who rated it as outstanding and gave it a cum laude mention.

Main objective of the doctoral thesis

The doctoral thesis of Dr. Muñoz was directed by Dr. Alfonso Antón and Dr. Javier Moreno Montañés. Its main objective was to evaluate the efficacy and safety profile of two surgical techniques for cataract and glaucoma. Both techniques, commonly used in clinical practice, had not previously been compared directly. These combined surgeries correct the cataract and reduce eye pressure in the same surgery, which represents a benefit for patients. As a secondary objective, the study proposed the analysis of other parameters, such as the analysis of visual acuity, visual field and endothelial count. Additionally, the morphological aspect of the filtration blebs after the intervention was studied.

The study by Dr. Muñoz offered a propective, randomized and multicenter analysis of 98 eyes, which were followed up for 12 months. Thus, the results of the study determined that both procedures had a similar success rate, with a significant and similar reduction in the need for medication for glaucoma at one year of follow-up.

It should also be noted that the research was recently published in the prestigious journal Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica.

Dr. Marcos Muñoz defending his doctoral thesis.

Dr. Marcos Muñoz defending his doctoral thesis.

The examining board recognized the thesis with the grade of outstanding and the mention cum laude.

The board, formed by doctors Rafael Barraquer, Susana Duch and Jordi Loscos, highlighted the quality of Dr. Muñoz’s thesis rating it as outstanding and giving it a cum laude mention.

With this recognition, Dr. Muñoz wants to encourage the entire Department of Glaucoma to continue working in accordance with principles of excellence focused on evidence-based medicine and offer the best possible treatment to the patients who trust ICR.

Dr. Marcos Muñoz's thesis

Dr. Marcos Muñoz’s thesis

Medical content revised by - Last revision 05/10/2020

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