equip directiu
  • President
    Mrs. Mercè Escudé González
  • Chief Executive Officer
    Mrs. Mireia Escudé Blasi
  • Manager
    Mr. Joan Nadal Fernández
  • Medical Director
    Dr. Ignasi Jürgens Mestre

Medical Team – Heads of Department

Equip mèdic

From left to right Dr. Cavero, Dr. Muñoz, Dr. Pighin, Dr. Rey, Dr. Pedrell, Dr. Jürgens, Dr. Martí, Dr. Castillo, Dr. Graell, Dr. Ibáñez, Dr. García, Dr. Rodríguez, Dr. Duch, Dr. Ruiz i Dr. Antón.

Heads of Department

Head of Optometry

  • Mr. Lluís González Sanchís (Degree in Optics and Optometry)

Optometry coordination of the Refractive Surgery Department 

  • Mr. Raimon Escudé Blasi (Degree in Optics and Optometry)

Management: Heads of Departament

  • Mrs. Eva Cairol Rodríguez, Head of Finance
  • Mr. José Luís de la Vega Vázquez, Head of Institutional and Commercial Relations
  • Mrs. Laura Gómez Farrés, Head of Communications and Patient Experience
  • Mr. Xavier Julià Sanahuja, Head of Information Systems
  • Mrs. Marta López Díaz, Head of Economic Management
  • Mrs. Anna Marsol Casals, Head of Management Control and Operations
  • Mr. Aleix Vila Raventós, Head of Human Resources

Web Editorial Board

  • Joan Nadal Fernández, Manager of ICR
  • Dr. Ignasi Jürgens Mestre, Medical Director of ICR
  • Communications team

Do you have any questions?

Contact us or request an appointment with our medical team.