On 12 June 2015 was adopted the definitive incorporation of the ICR to Oftared, a network of cooperative health research in the field of ophthalmology.

Oftared’s mission is to generate the knowledge necessary to preserve the health and promote well-being through adequate prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases of degenerative and chronic nature of greater relevance in our population.

This is a program under the subprogramme of glaucoma associated with the consolidated group at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra that directs the professor Javier Moreno Montañés and that is composed of professionals of the ICR:

D. Alfonso Antón López, as Principal investigator.

D. Antonio Morilla Grasa, as a Research Collaborator.

D. Ignasi Jürgens i Mestre, as a Research Collaborator.

Dª. Laura Beltrán Agulló, as a Researcher Assistant.

Dª. Miriam Eleonora Ayala Fuentes, as a Researcher Assistant

D. Marcos Muñoz Escudero, as a Research Collaborator.

D. José Manuel Navero, as a Research Collaborator.

Dª. Virginia García del Puerto, as a Researcher Assistant.

D. Luís González Sanchis, as a Research Collaborator.

Dª. Alèxia Martínez Caro, as a Researcher Assistant.

Dª. Nancy Wong, as a Researcher Assistant.

Dª. Judith Montemayor Freixes, as a Researcher Assistant.

In this agreement, the ICR commits to send an annual report of the activities realized that will be evaluated by the Committee of Control and Quality and Evaluation.

In the ICR we continue to believe in the importance of health research in ophthalmology and we value positively to be part of networks of investigation such as Oftared that help us to improve our task every day.

Medical content revised by - Last revision 21/07/2015

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